The shop
Cactus Sports is a very special climbing and outdoor shop dedicated to mountain lovers as well as high performing outdoor athletes. It is known to have the higher density of equipment per square meter. Technicians will find there most of the climbing specialties, along with all the essentials. The entire staff is climbing, trekking and skiing and will take care of your needs with a solid background.

a little piece of history
Cactus is born in a garage in 1986, in the Geneva suburb Petit-Lancy. An old sewing machine bought from Lotus Sports, some rolls of fabric,EB’s climbing shoes and Simond carabiners : the story begins!
A short time later Cactus moves to the Rue Farel, next the Cathedral. A blank door, steep staircases and a discrete door opening to a small workshop, low ceiling, filled up with equipment and home made clothes.
1er janvier 1989, Cactus moved to Carouge, rue du Pont Neuf 4, this time with a window and sun coming in. Bigger, kind off simple, a butane heater, no running water and the same mess as usual hanging everywhere. One some days, a small hamoc was swinging above the sawing machine with Cactus daughter sleeping in it.
January 1999, Cactus moves from the 4th to the 6th rue du Pont Neuf. More room, higher, home made cupboard with a wood ladder continuousely moved left and right allow us to manage a huge quantity of equipment in a restricted space. Enough room to place some randonnée skis on display.
November 2008, going tight again, Cactus extend next door in the old historic place, this time with toilets an a confortable heating.
End 2019, Cactus bought a robot from the bankrupted “passe montagne” shop and is now able to take care of the skis with Fred as chief operator. One year later the machine is moved to Vernier and the skis carried on a bicycle trailer every wednesday
Mid 2021, Tristan become the new owner of the shop, Bernard is going back to the sawing machine to fix all these destroyed jackets, packs and pants.
The team

The new leader of the shop, Tristan will have an eye on the compas to keep Cactus in the right direction.

Founder of Cactus Sports, Bernard has made so many trousers, jackets and packs that on some years almost every climber was wearing a Cactus piece of clothing. Concentrating now on fixing gear, he has brought back to life thousands of garments, according to his enviro engagement.

The flying man. Ludovic is an essential part of the team, knowing all the secrets of the shop, and an active hangglider, snowboarder and climber.

Silvana is the social element of the team. She always has a good story to tell and will excel in finding the right piece of equipment for you.

He never stops! When not in the shop, he is running up and down all the best routes in the Alps, or further.
The soft power of the shop. Antony is a skier, alpinist and climber and he will give you the best advices for your equipment or your week-end projects.

Climbing has filled his life and he got strong fingers from it, just perfect for playing guitar with power. He knows all the cliffs around and will give you the best advices.

Skis have no secrets for Fred, who is operating thoses big tuning machines for your skis. He is happy with the screwdriver in his hand, but his advices about skis are worth it. On the other side, he is a respected climber teacher.

He must be born with skis on his feet. The most remotes couloir in Haute-Savoie have no secrets for him.

Great sportsman, very skilled bootfitter, he knows all our range of ski products inside out.

Mountain guide and good climber, he’s specialized in bootfitting and in shoes repairing.

No way to pull him off his ice axes when dry-tooling. He is an incredibly strong expert, and also an experienced climber and talented artist.